Camera 2: Canon Rebel Original
The camera I replaced the Konica TC-X with was the Canon Rebel “Original” (a.k.a. Canon 1000). The 35mm original Canon Rebel, was the answer from Canon to the low-end SLR market.
And Boy! Was it low-end. The camera was built flimsy, the handle squeaked and the shutter shock so hard that the picture came out blurry. The kit lens was a piece of crap; it was not sharp, contrasty and prone to flare. I am sorry Canon. I really have nothing good to say about the original Canon Rebel.
I bought the camera because on TV, Andre Agassi with his then long hair looked so cool with the Rebel. Well, I traded it away in 3 months after I got it.
Comparing it to the Konica TC-X, I must say that I miss the little Konica very much. When I was in Newfoundland, it was so cold that at times the batteries would not work, but still the TC-X clicked away happily.
The truth is, even at this day and age, while I shoot away with digital cameras, I am still hoping and looking for a good TC-X on eBay. I guess I am trying to buy a little of the joyous experience of the past back.
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