
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Enjoying Vanilla Coke

What’s wrong with me?

I was trying to enjoy my Christmas gift, the twelve pack of Vanilla Coke by myself. Trying to drink it with the respect and honor that they deserved. Of course, by myself… I mean my wife rates Vanilla Coke as high as 7up and my sons can't differentiate them from Grape Juice, so sharing with them would be such a tragedy to a great invention, right?

Well, not exactly… You see, I did not enjoy the Vanilla Coke that I was addicted to! I could not enjoy it by myself! I did not understand why. But I tried to find a solution. The obvious solution is to share with my wife and kids right? Well, it works!

I don’t get it. That goes with tennis too. I play tennis about 3 times a week. Whacking the ball pass an opponent that tried hard to return the ball but can’t reach it, gives me an incredible rush. Well, I don’t enjoy it as much anymore. I am considering playing once a week… soon.

I would rather spend the time playing with my kids or even watch Monster Inc. for the 352th times.

I still don’t get it. May be there’s a pill out there that can help me over come this defection. But then again, I think I can live with this problem fine.

For my fellow Vanilla Coke addicts out there. I recently found a bunch of these good stuffs at Academy Sports Store. I was there to get my brother a good pair of working glasses and when was trying to pay for them, there they are in the fridge… the Holy Grail shinning in their own way, just above the price tag. So if you live here in the Southwest region, you are in luck.

Oh yes! Almost forgot, you can also get these "Precious" from Ebay.


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