
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Two tyrannosaurs and two apples

Last night, while my 3 years old son and I were reading our books, (Tyrannosaur Canyon was my reading and Power Touch Book: Grade 1: Dinosaurs was my son’s) for a long time it was just the sound of dinosaurs roaring in his Power Touch Book. It’s fun to see him concentrating on his “book” while trying to imitate me reading.

Tyrannosaur Canyon is a good book, but it is not as good as a Crichton as it claimed on the book cover. It’s a little annoying that a chapter averages 2.5 pages (I think he tried to boost pages… he only has 365 pages even with that trick). And I hate the lingo he used, as if he needed to impress the readers that he browsed the internet while he was writing. But then again, it’s a good read and it’s the one I have now. Well okay, my son’s book is just a little better than mine.

After about an hour reading, (My son finished 6 books at that time span) I decided to interact with the little guy. I started to create trivias and problems to get his brain juice going. He answered the first few questions correct and the I decided to give him his first math question.

Close your eyes, and imagine you have one apple on your hands.”
Okay.” He replied, while closing his eyes.
Now can you see your apple?” I asked.
Yes, I want it to be a red one.” He said.
Sure, and now, I will give you another one… now how many apple do you have?”
He frown, holding up a peace sign with his right hand and simultaneously open his eyes.
He was right, it’s two… but what he said next made my day.
My 3 years old said, “Papa, I cannot finish eating that many… can I put one apple in the refrigerator?”

I nodded and gave him a hug.


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