
Thursday, September 22, 2005

Hurricane Rita T-2days

Hurricane Rita is getting closer to our home, and it's a little too late to evacuate. The traffic just won't allow it. Furthermore, there's no gas around... even a full tank of gas will just takes you 24 miles away from where you are, in this 4 mph traffic. Then you will be stuck because you cannot refuel.

My family and some of my friends are staying. We did some planning last night, it lasted for 5 hours. Among us, we have a retired cop to lead us, we planned for the communication without the phone system.

... but my worries are mostly for my infant and the 3 year old. Any how...

Hurricane Rita preparation

Just came back from the grocery store. Took me an hour to get there and about 10 minutes to come home.

Nothing much that you need are available... but all the pumpkins, and are Halloween costumeson sell. So if you want a good bargain on these items, come to Suburb Houston.

Plywood are gone now and the line to the HomeDepot cashiers are hours long. The line goes out to the parking lot.

Here's some snapshots that I took while I was waiting in the traffic this morning:
These are not the sensational pictures that you will see on TV but a personal shots of middle class America in the suburb that mostly forgotten.

All the schools are closed since Thursday.

Need bread... I suggest that you find an alternative, get the diet bars or something.

Water... soda and Gatorade are still available but may be it's time to stock up some tap water.
Batteries. Only AAA, AA and 9V are still out there.

This is the proud-lucky dude that paid $400 for the 9 pieces of plywoods. I think he is also the town villian that bought the last 9 pieces.

I feel for this family. They stock up their van with everthing. Got to the grocery store and got their supplies... then their car won't start.

Well, at least they will miss the 4 mph traffic.

Good luck to all. I will update the situation if I could... Losing electricity and the phone service and air conditional in Texas in the middle of summer... hmmm...
I really hope that you will not see me on TV

Please support The American RedCross.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am keeping an eye on you from a foreign land... take care my friend. BLB.

September 22, 2005 11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Google seeks to expand enterprise product lineup
Expect Google to increase its family of enterprise products in the coming 12 months by retooling some of its existing services aimed at individual users in the mass market, a Google executive said.
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September 22, 2005 11:08 PM  
Blogger Soy Milk said...

Thanks BLB. I hope that I wil have plenty more to say after Saturday.

September 23, 2005 6:55 AM  

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