
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Nintendo Wii and the TV set

Nintendo Wii is having an unbelievable run.

I am not talking about the polls and the out of stock notice. Definately, not from the predictable "No, Sir. We are out", every time I have asked if they had a Wii in stock (for 2 weeks now), but from those people that do not play video games, i.e. my 3 tennis partners and an engineering consultant that I hired. There's no chance to ever thing that these guys would ever sit in front of the TV playing games on a console, they are outdoor folks... so am I... and I am going to get one.

OK, I will not queue up at 4am for one (done that in college, now I am too old for that), but I will certainly get the first available stock at the counter.

After doing a little research on the Wii, I conclude that:
1. TV sales will skyrocket (thanks to multiple broken set),
2. Not just because the controller has a tendency to fly out, but because these guys realized that it would be the PERFECT EXCUSE to get a new plasma or LCD flatscreen TV.
3. Nintendo will create a little plug-in piece, just like the flatscreen TV, to output HD quality images,
4. All my friends will get a Wii, and
5. I will get one BEFORE them.

But this new year, thanks to Wii, we will ALL have a NEW TV set.

Interestingly, before the Wii men has always been destroying the TV set. They mostly occurred right after a football game, a soccer game and a horse race. They always happens just after a shout of profanity, throwing a stash of unknown papers in the air and then a flying projectile would go straight at the TV screen... most times the projectile would be a remote control.

This one is from the stone age.Probably from a remote controlAn oops during a moving expedition.Could very well be drop then smashed with a baseball bat.
A soccer ball? No really?This one... I don't know. That's a plastic screen. It would take something sharper and extremely strong. Could be a sledgehammer but wow, look at the force! It broke the other side of the screen with sheer vibration and dropped the speaker cover as well.
Baseball.A drop or may be before that a flying frying pan.A high heel shoe.
and finally a bowling ball? Genius!! The right weight, the right power and it smashed the whole screen away!!


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